Come see us at WCET15

  • POSTED ON 26 Oct 2015

We have been invited as a member to present at the WCET Good Practices for Managing State Authorization and we are psyched!

We will be presenting the E-Learning Compliance (ELC) app in Mentis® which has been specifically designed to help reduce the daunting, overwhelming, and nightmare inducing complexity of the beast called State Authorization Compliance. ELC is a comprehensive, all-inclusive, and user-friendly cloud solution that helps track state authorization progress, track related expenses and documents, run analytics and draw insights on your current information, and publish your current compliance status automatically on your website.

During this presentation, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the app, view a live demonstration, get answers to your questions, learn about experiences of your colleagues using the system, and talk directly with the team at Inknowledge. So come see us at WCET from November 11th to 12th in Denver, CO or book a personal appointment slot to get a personal demonstration of Mentis and ELC.

See you soon!