Managed – Mentis 2.5.0

  • POSTED ON 06 Jun 2016

Mentis Upgrades

  1. Even more ways to login: Integrating authentication with your institutional directory system has a lot of moving parts and requires different people from your institution to get involved. We have now made available a standalone authentication mechanism that comes ready to go out of the box and is available when you only have a few users using Mentis. This not only frees up time of your internal IT resources but also saves valuable time during the on-boarding process.
  2. Accessibility: With this release we have improved the accessibility of the Mentis navigation so that your users can easily tab through the menu items and screen-readers can better understand the navigation elements and its components.
  3. System Preferences: Your organization admin can now update your institution’s logo, set the timezone, update other settings through an easy to access System Preferences panel.
  4. User Activity in Audit Trail Reports: All user activity like logins and logoffs are now also visible in the audit trail report.

Other App specific updates (ELC)

  1. Professional Licensure Boards: We will now start making available licensure boards for more than 35 different professions and even portal agencies. Existing users of ELC will start receiving these updates a couple of times a month.
  2. Tags in State Agencies: In order to keep track of the large number of state agencies, you can now organize them using tags. Default tags will be provided by us to help you differentiate between the types of agencies. These include state authorization agency, portal agency, professional licensure agency (e.g. architecture, dentistry) etc. You will be able to add additional tags to customize this list further.

Other Updates

We also squashed some bugs along the way:

  • ELC: Online Program edit dialog now loads up within an instant
  • Reports: Audit Trail report can now display all data correctly
  • Sending emails notifications for ToDos and Updates